Title How are teenage girls represented in films specifically refering to mean girls and are their stereotypes challenged at all?
Hypothesis: To find out how teenage females are represented within contemporary media making comparisond to less contemporary media texts focusing mainly on mean girls.Also to find out whether female stereotypes are ever challenged within these types of movies (teen movies)
Key Concepts
[M]edia Lainguage: camera shots,close ups to show emotion and reflect personality, music soundtrackto see what music is associated with this genre of film, mis en scene to reflect lifestyle
[I]nstitution:paramount pictures (american institution)
[G]enre: teen movie (romance,comedy)
[R]epresentation: females shown to take care in only their looks,not care about anybody else but themselves, worls evolves around boys and looking good, no interest in education
[A]udience: female teenagers, ages 12-20
[I]deology: promoting wrong ideologies such as you dont need an education to be happy, life is about impressing boys, you need to look good in order to become popular etc..
[N]arrative: hero (differnt girl who stands out of the crowd) villian (bitchy jelous teenager seeking revenge)
Wider Context
Teenagers especially american hav always been represented negatively, doing bad things not acceptable in society, they have always been seen as rebels in teen movies However there is always one or a group of teenagers who fit in to the sensiblle teeenage role
However teenagers are being represented strong mindedly and are given more say in issues to do with polotics and the media over the recent years, they have more say and control over decisions
Other Texts To Consider:
Not Another Teen Movie
Theories, Theorists:
Alex Aubrun and Alex Grady - 'How Tv Shapes Our Understanding of Teens'
'The media reflects complicated teen realities' by Michelle Goodman
'The media distorts teens' by Gohar Galyan
'Adults commit more crimes than teens' by Sarah Gustafson
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