Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Delicious Links

Mean Girls (Sofia)

How are teenagers represented in Mean Girls?

to MediaStudies med5 med4 representation blogs A2coursework ghs ...

Sex & the City (Iena)

How does Sex and the City provide representations of women that challenge what they once were, and what does it suggest that they are becoming?

to MediaStudies med5 med4 representation women blogs A2coursework ghs ...

America's Next Top Model (Roohdip)

Relates to my independant study as it focuses on female representation combining with reality

to MediaStudies blogs A2coursework ghs ... on oct 15, 2005

Mean Girls (Anita)

How are teenage girls represented in Mean Girls?

to MediaStudies med5 med4 representation women blogs A2coursework ghs ...

The Stepford Wives (John)

How are women represented in the media and how has their roles changed over time? Looking especially at The Stepford Wives.

to MediaStudies med5 med4 representation women blogs A2coursework ghs ...

Mean Girls (Pardeep)

Focuses on the question i am focusing on

to MediaStudies blogs A2coursework ghs ...

Kidulthood (Alliya)

Teenage representation

to med5 MediaStudies ghs Blogs A2coursework representation women med4 ...

Charlies Angels (Heena)

represntation on women

to med5 MediaStudies ghs Blogs A2coursework representation women med4 ...

Sex & the City (Bushara)

Representation of women

to med5 MediaStudies Blogs A2coursework ghs representation women med4 ...

Notes on The Gaze

Involved media theorist

to MediaStudies med4 representation women ...

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