Sunday 6 January 2008

Essay Plan

introducing the title of my independant study,introducing the text and summary of topics, issues and debates i will be talking about.

-paragraph 1
i will start with the main representation of females in Mean Girls which overall is for them to be looked at (sex objects) (voyeurism) link to mulveys theory
individually represented, Kady a good girld who is easily corrupted therefore has no mind of her own
Regina (villian) obsessed with the way she looks and how her body is, weight concious, hungry for boys and sex
Gretchen isa follower who would do anything to be popular and thinks that popularity is everything and is seen as having no brains
Karen is a blonde bimbo and people only lie her for her boobs (sex object) she acts dumb in the movie and there is no positive representation of her

-paragraph 2
arguably there is a female protagonist of the film and the film seems to be dominated by females showing a female veiw point of the world and female domination
This can be linked to historical information such as the wave of feminism and the growing number of women in the media and how men and women are more equal in this period of time compared to decades ago and this is represented in the movie
Book to refer to: Backlash: Susan Faludi

-paragraph 3
Other texts that i will be referring to :
Americas next top model as the show os telling the contestants that they have to be beautiful in order to win and have the lifestyle that they have always wanted, this is the same in Mean Girls if you want to be in Regina's clique and stay in there you have to remain beautiful and stick by the rules and therefore not be yourself
related to Regina being image conciouse and trying to lose wight to fit into a prom dress, americas next top model promotes getting in shape and having the perfect body in order to be successful

-Paragraph 4
the idea of the media today and how there is so much pressure for teenagers to be a certain weight and look a certain way,growing number of anorexic females because they are image obsessed , this is caused by the pressure of the media
refer to the cinema book

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